Daily Fantasy Sports NBA Line Ups

🛠️ by dadtoor

$0.03 per call

~0 calls per day

Using the player data provided in this prompt, you can create a lineup that maximizes your chances of winning while staying within your budget. By selecting players with high average points per game and considering factors such as matchup and injury status, you can build a lineup that is competitive and potentially lucrative. But that's not all - DFS also offers a variety of game types and contests, from head-to-head matchups to large-scale tournaments with big prizes.


⛓️ Inputs


The variables are edited data for fantasy sports websites.

Past Responses

⚙️ Integrate this API

⏎ Reponse Format

response: text // These are the results from edited data from fantasy sports websites.
completed: boolean // Is the response complete? Always expected to be true